Top Pitfalls to Avoid in Custom Swimming Pool Design

Top Pitfalls to Avoid in Custom Swimming Pool Design

A custom backyard swimming pool is a significant addition that adds property value and improves the overall quality of your home. However, improper planning and installation cause devastating damages, leading to costly repairs and replacements. With that in mind, you need to pay close attention to ensure you don’t make minor errors that could compromise the entire project. Let’s look at the common mistakes to avoid when building your swimming pool to ensure a durable and safe water feature.

Container Material

The container plays a critical role in holding swimming pool water. If you have an installation project lined up, a common mistake to avoid when designing a pool is failing to consider the container material. The wrong container can cause frequent repairs and premature replacement emergencies. A popular material is concrete, but it has limitations such as annual draining and high maintenance costs. The most preferred container material is fiberglass, as it is cheaper, low maintenance, and doesn’t require yearly draining.

Prioritizing Aesthetics

Another mistake to avoid when designing a pool is focusing on aesthetics. Most homeowners often look at online pictures for inspiration, forgetting that functionality is also a crucial factor. Don’t be dazzled by images on the internet. Instead, research and consult reputable pool contractors to ensure your new feature outlives most trends. In addition, working with professionals ensures you get a unique design without compromising aesthetics or function.

Incorrect Placement

Even with a big yard, you can’t install a new water feature just anywhere. This is a mistake to avoid when building your swimming pool, as it may impede access to electrical cables, plumbing, or maintenance activities. If you are not familiar with the property design and architecture, consult a seasoned contractor to avoid the chaos associated with improper pool placement. Also, professionals can ensure the pool is not too far from the house for safety and convenience.

Budgeting Incorrectly

The most obvious swimming pool design mistake not to make is assuming cheaper is better. While this might be the case for various household products or water features, when it comes to pool construction, you need to budget reasonably and accurately. If you choose cheaper options to save money, you risk spending more in the long run on recurring repairs or premature replacement emergencies.

There’s a lot that goes into building a custom pool, and avoiding these mistakes can ensure a successful and seamless process. Contact us at Georgia Classic Pool and schedule a consultation with a professional pool designer in Atlanta. We work with you throughout the construction to ensure your vision comes to life.

In addition to pool design, we offer comprehensive services in landscape, hardscape, cabanas, decks, and overall construction services to create the perfect outdoor oasis for your home.

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